Sunday, March 20, 2011

Piggy Bedspreads...what?

So my mom wants to get a guinea pig for my son so that he can have a pet because I guess the puppy we got him for christmas doesn't count. :-/ I'm not sure if it's a brib tactic for me to visit her more often or she's just a crazy lady, maybe a little of both.

Amongst the random Google searches my mother does online, she came across this thing called a Piggy Bedspread. (huh?) Yeah my thoughts exactly. Google it, I almost feel bad that I'm knocking this woman's creation so I won't link to it, but there's nothing against doing your own search for Piggy Bedspreads (type that exactly, it will be the first link in the search). So my mom called me to get my opinion on fabrics for this thing.

I was like wow mom, this is weird and these fabrics suck, not to mention that they were crazy expensive for a guinea pig to just pee and poop all over it. Oh but its cost effective because you don't have to buy litter, blah blah blah. You just have to wash it by itself in the washer in vinegar. Awesome, vinegar or not I don't want my clothes to be floating around in the same machine that remnants of animal waste were just in. I mean maybe some people like that or are just frugal enough to do that. It's really just like cloth diapers, to each her own, but again I am all set with messing with pee and poop, human or animal. I'm hardcore disposable, get this sh*t out of here as fast as possible, literally.

So back to this awesome cost saving guinea pig invention. It's 3 layers of fabric sewn together, 1) anti pill fleece, 2) super absorbent fabric, 3) rubber sheeting or vinyl to keep liquid that wasn't absorbed contained (gross).

My mom was like yeah I'm going to buy two of them. What? I can think of a bunch of different things that you could do with $130. I told her immediately do not buy these, I will make them for her (ya know cause I'm like super sewer now). Materials ran about $32 for one of these things and I got enough materials to make two. The lady is marking her product up 100%, charging $65 a pad not including shipping. Good for her, I'm sure the money is rolling in because guinea pig poopie pads are such a necessity in the piggy market now. :-/.

If you attempt to make one of these make sure the rubber sheeting is pinned in the middle before you sew it together. Stupid me, put the rubber sheeting on last and sewed it all together only to turn it inside out and find that it got sewn in the middle. Good thing fleece and rubber sheeting is durable because I used the seam ripper for a little bit and then just ripped everything apart because it was taking too long, lol. The fabrics stayed intake with no holes from the ripping.

I saved my mom like $50 bucks because I'm such an awesome daughter.

Side note: this thing could also be used for the bottom of a playpen for messy babies, a dog mat, changing pad, I guess for anything that you think is going to leak.

1 comment:

  1. Lol, I googled it. That's to funny! Who would pay for that?!? I love the idea of making it into a super cute changing pad though!
    And I think you get points for saving your momma some dough!
